Stucco is a durable, low-maintenance exterior surface widely used on homes throughout the world. This practical manual covers every aspect of stucco design, construction and repair.
You’ll find techniques for attaching stucco to wood frames, steel frames, sheathed material, or masonry. Includes step-by-step instructions on how to install flashing, corner beads, casing beads, control joints, weather-resistant barriers, exterior insulation systems, and one-coat stucco systems.
Shows the recommended method for mixing and applying stucco, both manually and by machine, and illustrates techniques for producing different textures and for creating decorative plaster work such as implants and molds. Explains how to estimate labor and material costs for stucco, as well as equipment rental fees. Also includes practical instructions for stucco maintenance and repair.
COMPANION CD-ROM - The book includes a CD-ROM with the complete text in Adobe PDF format, for jobsite reference and quick word search. (There is no print feature on the CD-ROM.)
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