The latest 6258 model is now in stock!
Scratch and Dent Option: These are brand new units with a cosmetic manufacturing defect like body scratches on the back or side of the unit, a small scratch/dent/nick on the screen, or a bit of visible glue residue. Includes all original packaging and accessories.
Finally, a handheld calculator that makes the metric conversion process accessible to everyone from travelers to engineers, from architects to construction workers, from businessmen to grade-schoolers! This unique, patented calculator is designed to let you instantly convert between or within two systems of measurement (U.S. inch/pound and Metric), as well as between decimals and fractions, with a touch of a single key; no complicated key sequences, programming, or prior knowledge of conversion factors and formulas are required! 1-Step makes the whole process hassle free and idiot proof!
The 1-Step Instant Metric Magic™ is a new, exclusive, patented invention! With over 350 conversions and every feature designed for ease-of-use there isn't anything like it on the market! Thousands have been sold with tremendous response. Try it Yourself Risk-Free thanks to our 30-day money back guarantee!
The 1-Step is a must for the many who used the English inch/pound system all their lives and now have a need to understand and use the metric equivalents, in volume, weight (mass), length, area, cubic, temperature, decimals and fractions.
Contractors, (building, electrical, plumbing, estimators, etc.), can make instant conversions of plans at their desk or in the field. So can teachers, travelers, businessmen, and anybody else that needs to or wants to convert inch/pound units of measurements to the metric equivalents and vice versa. It is fantastic for travelers leaving the U. S. or travelers coming to the U. S.
For teachers starting to teach their 4th-5th grade students to use the calculator, the 1-Step, a full function, decimal/fraction calculator, will be their best tool and helper to show inch/pound to metric and vice versa conversions instantly! An overhead model is available so your students can easily follow and repeat your examples.
The 1-Step calculator instantly converts:
- Length: miles, yards, feet, and inches to kilometers, meters, centimeters, and millimeters and back
- Area: acres, square miles, yards, feet, and inches to hectares, square kilometers, meters, centimeters, and millimeters and back
- Cubic: cubic yards, feet, and inches to cubic meters, centimeters, and millimeters and back
- Volume: liquid ounces, table spoons, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons to liters and milliliters and back
- Weight: short U.S. tons, pounds, and ounces to metric tons, kilograms, grams, and milligrams and back
- Pressure: pounds per square inch to kilopascals and back
- Temperature: degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius and back
- Numbers: fractions to decimals and back (to the nearest 1/64)
The 1-Step calculator also converts units in the same system (such as acres to sq. feet, to sq. yards, to sq. inches, cm to mm) and allows conversion between volume, weight, and cubic (ml to g to cubic cm) for water.
The 1-Step is a full 4-function fraction/decimal calculator with memory, percent, plus and minus, square root, and back space; it is pocket-size and field-tested.
- Full 4-Function, 10 Digit + 4 Digit Fraction Display
- Converts U.S. to Metric Units and Vice Versa Instantly for Volume, Weight, Length, Area, Cubic, Temperature, and Pressure - Hundreds of Conversions in All!
- Constants, Reciprocals, Percent, Square Root
- Backspace Key for Easy Corrections
- Converts Fractions to Decimals and Decimals to nearest 1/64 Fraction
- Traditional and Algebraic Calculation Modes
- Converts Between Volume, Weight, and Cubic Measures of Water with Patented Transfer Key
- Battery Powered
- User definable specific gravity
- Automatic Shut-Off
- Includes Hard Cover
- Incredible ease of use
- Perfect for Contractors, Estimators, Architects, Engineers, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Students, Pharmacists, Travelers, Government, Business - Anyone who needs hundreds of conversions at their fingertips!
- Compact, Hand-Held Size: 14cm x 9.5cm x 1.2cm (5.5" x 3.75" x 0.5")
- 1 Year Manufacturer Warranty

|     Calculated Industries Ultra Measure Master 8025 - Most Complete, Easy-to-Use Metric Conversion Calculator