This item has been discontinued by the manufacturer. Returns are accepted for 30 days on defective items only.
Recommended Replacement: HP-39G Plus is a follow-on to this calculator. We also recommend powerOne Graph - a software graphing calculator for Palm Pilot. Have a better suggestion?
The HP39G calculator is an easy-to-use Algebraic Graphing Calculator for math and science students.
- Leading-Edge Design
Smooth edges, soft curves, and a sleek, sturdy design, makes the HP 39G ideal for either hand-held or desktop use. It comes in an appealing, light metallic blue with a matching translucent blue slide-on cover that helps minimize screen and keyboard damage. The user friendly HP 39G keyboard has large keys with soft edges, and generous key spacing to minimize undesired key presses.
- See More On the Big Screen
Choose to input and view equations and expressions on the big 131 x 64 pixel, high contrast screen in textbook mode, just as they appear in textbooks or on the blackboard.
- Make a Statistical Inference:
The HP 39G goes beyond analyzing sample data. You can perform hypothesis tests, and measure confidence intervals that relate to a population. Input, view and edit sample data in a table format, similar to a computer spreadsheet or table, then plot the results.
- E-Lessons
E-lessons (Aplets) are an exciting new learning tool from Hewlett-Packard. These are electronic lessons that are adapted from topics in textbooks, neatly packaged to help you learn math and science. They can teach you new math concepts as you explore at your own pace. E-lessons are so easy, you can even create your own!
- Dynamic Split Screen
View math relationships in two displays on one screen for side-by-side comparison.
- Interactive History of Calculations
To recall and reuse solutions previously created.
- Dynamic Teaching
Using the built-in Trig and Quadratic explorer, explore Sine, Cosine or quadratics in real-time. Control the graph or the equation, and see how they relate together.
- Communication In Hand
Every HP 39G can be connected directly to a personal computer and has support for an overhead display unit. You can also send data, equations, notes and even E-lessons to friends and classmates using the built-in infrared port.
- Other Special Operating Features:
- Easy-to-read keys and menus that are grouped together for fast access.
- Enter data in a simple algebraic notion that looks and works just like equations written on paper.
- With over 600 functions for the HP 39G available at the touch of a button, the HP 39G lets you spend less time reading manuals and more time learning.
- See notes, sketches, equations, formulas, graphs and even E-lessons. With 256KB of built-in memory, they're amazingly powerful!
- Math Features include:
- Algebra features including factorization, expansion, substitution, systems of linear equations, linear algebra & matrices
- Trigonometry (trig & hyperbolic functions, degrees, radians)
- Lists & Sequences
- Exponential & Logarithmic functions
- Permutations, Combinations & Factorials
- Differentiation & Integration
- HP Equation Solver
- Statistical Features include:
- Descriptive Statistics (lists, single and two variables, frequencies, regression, summary statistics) - Sample data input, editing, plotting and viewing has never been easier
- Use sample data descriptions to make inferences - make and measure inferences about the population of interest with hypothesis tests and confidence intervals
- Graphing Features include:
- Expand your plotting possibilities - plot types include function, parametric, polar, conic, sequence & statistical plots
- Function analysis - root, extrema, slope, area & intersection
- Plotting with tracing & zooming
- Graphic, symbolic & numeric views
- Test Suitability
Permitted for use on College Board* Tests: AP*, SAT* and PSAT/NMSQT. (* College Board, AP and SAT are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board).
- Send Aplets, Data or Programs Using the Built-in Infrared Port
The HP39G comes with a two way Infrared port. No need for a cable.

|   Hewlett Packard HP-39G+ Algebraic Graphing Calculator (Refurbished)